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I'm another title

A2 Thanks to @techieang I have my own PLN, and PD at my fingertips. Support from #kinderchat folks has been remarkable #cdnedchat

— Ann-Marie Hulse (@HulseAnnMarie) April 30, 2013

RT @iEARNUSA Whatever doubts you may have about #Twitter for educators, #kinderchat will clarify @hechternacht

.@hechternacht I think #kinderchat is one of the best examples of social media use in education. Extremely powerful.

— George Couros (@gcouros) April 23, 2013





@teachermeg @hechternacht I have tears in my eyes-y'all, I only get feedback from 1 other T at my school. Your comments have #mademyday!

— Chrissy P (@singalullaby) May 3, 2013


I'm another title

Whenever I worry about the world I watch Monday feed from #kinderchat & know the future is in good hands #teachers

— Sandra Oldfield (@SandraOldfield) May 7, 2013

What Folks Are Saying: 

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